Home Blogging How To Add Facebook Like Box To Your Blogger Blog

How To Add Facebook Like Box To Your Blogger Blog

In this tutorial, you can learn “How to Add Facebook Like Box into your Blog” ( Blogger – WordPress) etc. Facebook like box also known as the Facebook Fan Box.It is the most important widgets for all bloggers, because almost all online persons have a Facebook accounts, and as many you have Facebook fans you can get more traffic.

Bloggers can provide their visitors to join their blog community just one click, and they become your online community members. Facebook is considered as the king of the social site. There are thousands of social sites are online but the most famous and few. But the one of the best and famous social network is Facebook.

How To Add Facebook Like / Fan Box To Your Blogger Blog
There are many methods to add Facebook fan /like box into your blog, but i’m provide you the most simple method. Below given a piece of code, you can simply copy this code and paste it into your blog HTML/ JAVASCRIPTS widgets for bloggers and Text Widgets for WordPress users, and done.

Now copy below code and paste it into your Blog where you want to show your box. But the sidebar is the most famous place to add your plugins or widgets especially Facebook like box.So i also recommended you add your fan box into your blog sidebar. If your are on the blogger, then first to go on your blogger dashboard and click add new gadgets , then click on html/Javascripts widgets plugins and paste the given code inside it and done.

Add Facebook Like Box into Blogger Blog

Step 1- Log in to your Blogger Blog > Go Layout > Add a Gadget
How To Add Facebook Like Box To Your Blogger Blog
Step 2 – Add New Gadget HTML / JavaScript
How To Add Facebook Like Box To Your Blogger Blog
Step 3 – Copy Below Code and Paste in the Gadget

<iframe allowtransparency=’true’ frameborder=’0′ scrolling=’no’ src=’//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2fAamirSaleemAnsari&width=350&colorscheme =light&show_faces=true&border_color&stream=true&header=true&height=220′ style=’border:none; overflow:hidden; width:350px; height:250px;’></iframe>

Step 4 – Save it and Your Widget is Live on your Blog.

Note : Change Aamir Saleem Ansari With your own Facebook Address.

Congratulations : You Facebook Fan/ Like Box is ready to show on your blog or website, now save changes on upper right side and view your blog to see it whether it is working correctly or not. If you face any type of errors, then feel free to comment below this post,i’ll help you as soon as possible.
I hope this tutorial is very helpful to you to adding any facebook fan/like box into your blog or website. Let me know that, for which purpose you use them? what are advantages for you of this widgets and if you like please comment below . Thanks