knowledge herald
Best underwater metal detector: Hobby for exercise and payoff
Best underwater metal detector - Using best underwater metal detector or best metal detector for beach is a hobby that men and...
Weatherproof clothes for best ocean fishing kayak
Best ocean fishing kayak - Water saps heat away from the body many times faster than cold air does, and wet clothes...
How to play Christmas songs on best baritone ukulele
Best baritone ukulele players love to play these five Christmas songs - Silent Night, The First Noel, Bring a Torch Jeanette Isabella,...
Stop divorce – relationship coach tips for resolving conflicts
Stop divorce - Sometime after the honeymoon, if not before, spouses realize that their fantasy of happily-ever-after is not unfolding quite the...
Mainland ukulele player Jake Shimabukuro ukulele tips and lessons
For decades, the ukulele was relegated to a role of toy or tourist trinket, but mainland ukulele Jake Shimabukuro is inspiring millions...
Play ukulele tunes with two chords: C and G7
Once parents and kids have learned to tune and hold their ukuleles properly, and are able to keep a steady rhythm while...
New age activities, chakras and crystals in Sedona, Arizona
Chakras and crystals - In the recent years, Sedona, Arizona has become a favorite destination for new age followers. Its breathtaking natural...
GPS monitoring – Sat Nav Positioning challenged by ‘Solar Cycle’
GPS monitoring - The modern GPS monitoring receiver has a typical accuracy of an astonishing twenty feet, reducing the venerable 'Art and...
Chakra mudra: first chakra muladhara, second chakra swadhistana
The First Chakra: MuladharaIn chakra mudra theory it is said the manifesting energies of all creation are reflected...
How to meditate – Beginner meditation essentials
Before beginning a meditation practice, those new to meditation should be prepared to make both the time and space commitments necessary to...