Google Home is a wonderful device, but is highly useful and a must-have gadget for those parents who are a bit busy in their life balancing family and profession. It will help to put the kid to bed too apart from other common parenting activities like reading stories, helping with homework and ordering a pizza over the weekend. It will make parenting easier. Let’s find out how.
Kids have own personal experience
This is the very first thing to do. Share Google Home with multiple users including your younger one so each member in the family get personalized responses without meddling calendar events, reminders, to-dos and more with one another. Simply take note to give your kid very own Google accounts with Family Link, which mean you can be in charge of it. Don’t forget to set up the Voice Match to let Google Home know your kid while interacting.
Help with homework
Your kid can take help from Google Home while doing homework like asking general questions such as “OK, Google, what is capital of Australia?” But don’t make the mistake of teaching your child that Google Home is a good calculator too.
Try newly added activity called Homework Help with the command, “OK, Google, help me with my homework.”
Educational games
With the help of Google Home your kid can play interactive games like Trivia Showdown, Math Showdown, Animal Trivia, Space Trivia, Guess The Sound and World Foods Trivia. This is better than a gaming console and don’t miss The Magic Door that helps the little boy or girl choose own adventure. Voice Tic Tac Toe challenging game too is better.
Classic games
Google Home has some fun classic games too like Freeze Dance, Musical Chairs, Mad Libs and The Akinator which the kid will love to play.
Story time
Google Home device is capable of playing some classics and original tales for your kid. Simply say, “OK, Google, tell me a story.” If you know a title, say like “OK, Google, play Jungle Adventure.” Some of the best stories made available in its library include Strangest Day Ever, Story Champ, PlayKids and WebGuild Bedtime Stores.
Help kid get sleep
Its time consuming. Its never-ending struggle for parents. Thanks to Google that a device has come to help kids put to sleep or nap. Google Home device is capable of playing some soothing music or relaxing white noise from its vast library equipped with niche like Country Night, Fireplace, Babbling Brook, Nature, Ocean and Oscillating Fan for your kid. The play mode stops automatically after about an hour.
Take note here that Google Home has no sleep timer.
Dispute settle
If you have one kid, there may not be such disputes like two kids in a family usually have. Google Home takes care settling their disputes too without you getting indulged. Simply say, “OK, Google, flip a coin.” If there are more than two options, the command goes like this, “OK, Google, roll a 10-sided die.” Note that you need to choose a number between 1 and 10. The closest number wins. In case there is a tie, the exercise is to be repeated with two new numbers.